CDM Version

The following table shows which version of the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) is implemented in each version of the OMOPCommonDataModel.jl Julia package.

Common Data Model (CDM)OMOPCommonDataModel.jl

In order to see the current CDM version, use the OMOPCommonDataModel.cdm_version function:

julia> OMOPCommonDataModel.cdm_version() # prints the current CDM version

In order to see the current OMOPCommonDataModel.jl version, use the OMOPCommonDataModel.version function:

julia> OMOPCommonDataModel.version() # prints the current `OMOPCommonDataModel.jl` version

To see all versions of the Common Data Model, go to the CommonDataModel release page.

To see all versions of OMOPCommonDataModel.jl, go to the OMOPCommonDataModel.jl release page.