
General Overview

KomaMRI simulates the magnetization of each spin of a Phantom for variable magnetic fields given by a Sequence. It is assumed that a single spin is independent of the state of the other spins in the system (a key feature that enables parallelization). Furthermore, there are defined two regimes in the Sequence: excitation and precession. During the latter, the excitation fields are nulled and are useful for simplifying some physical equations.

The are more internal considerations in the KomaMRI implementation. The Figure 1 summarizes the functions called to perform the simulation.

Figure 1: The sequence seq is discretized after calculating the required time points in the wrapper function simulate. The time points are then divided into Nblocks to reduce the amount of memory used. The phantom obj is divided into Nthreads, and KomaMRI will use either run_spin_excitation! or run_spin_precession! depending on the regime. If an ADC object is present, the simulator will add the signal contributions of each thread to construct the acquired signal sig[t]. All the parameters: Nthreads, Nblocks, Δt_rf, and Δt, are passed through a dictionary called sim_params as an optional parameter of the simulate function.

From the programming perspective, it is needed to call the simulate function with the sim_params dictionary keyword argument. A user can change the values of the following keys:

"return_type"defines the output of the simulate function. Possible values are "raw", "mat", and "state", corresponding to outputting a MRIReco RawAcquisitionData, the signal values, and the last magnetization state of the simulation, respectively.
"sim_method"defines the type of simulation. The default value is Bloch(), but you can alternatively use the BlochDict() simulation method. Moreover, you have the flexibility to create your own methods without altering the KomaMRI source code; for further details, refer to the Simulation Method Extensibility section.
"Δt"raster time for gradients.
"Δt_rf"raster time for RFs.
"precision"defines the floating-point simulation precision. You can choose between "f32" and "f64" to use Float32 and Float64 primitive types, respectively. It's important to note that, especially for GPU operations, using "f32" is generally much faster.
"Nblocks"divides the simulation into a specified number of time blocks. This parameter is designed to conserve RAM resources, as KomaMRI computes a series of simulations consecutively, each with the specified number of blocks determined by the value of "Nblocks".
"Nthreads"divides the Phantom into a specified number of threads. Because spins are modeled independently of each other, KomaMRI can solve simulations in parallel threads, speeding up the execution time.
"gpu"is a boolean that determines whether to use GPU or CPU hardware resources, as long as they are available on the host computer.
"gpu_device"sets the index ID of the available GPU in the host computer.

For instance, if you want to perform a simulation on the CPU with float64 precision using the BlochDict() method (assuming you have already defined obj and seq), you can do so like this:

# Set non-default simulation parameters and run simulation
sim_params = KomaMRICore.default_sim_params() 
sim_params["gpu"] = false
sim_params["precision"] = "f64"
sim_params["sim_method"] = BlochDict()
raw = simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)

Additionally, the user must be aware of the functions run_spin_excitation! and run_spin_precession! which defines the algorithm for excitation and precession regimes respectively and can be changed by the user without modifying the source code (more details at Simulation Method Extensibility).

Previous simulation, the Sequence is discretized to consider specific time points which are critical for simulation. The user can control the time between intermediate gradient samples with the parameter Δt. Similarly, the parameter Δt_rf manages the time between RF samples, and can be relatively large for 2D imaging where the slice profile is less relevant.

Computation Efficiency

To reduce the memory usage of our simulator, we subdivided time into Nblocks. KomaMRI classifies each block in either the excitation regime or the precession regime before the simulation.

We increased the simulation speed by separating the calculations into Nthreads and then performing the GPU parallel operations with CUDA.jl . This separation is possible as all magnetization vectors are independent of one another.

Simulation Method Extensibility

In Julia, functions use different methods based on the input types via multiple dispatch. We used this to specialize the simulation functions for a given sim_method <:SimulationMethod specified in sim_params. For a given simulation method, the function initialize_spin_state outputs a variable Xt <: SpinStateRepresentation that is passed through the simulation (Figure 1). For the default simulation method Bloch, the spin state is of type Mag, but can be extended to a custom representation, like for example EPGs44 or others. Then, the functions run_spin_excitation! and run_spin_precession! can be described externally for custom types sim_method and Xt, extending Koma’s functionalities without the need of modifying the source code and taking advantage of all of Koma’s features.

Bloch Simulation Method

This is the default simulation method used by KomaMRI, however it can always be specified by setting the sim_method = Bloch() entry of the sim_params dictionary. In the following subsection, we will explain the physical and mathematical background and some considerations and assumptions that enables to speed up the simulation.

Physical and Mathematical Background

The Bloch method of KomaMRI simulates the magnetization of each spin by solving the Bloch equations in the rotating frame:

\[\begin{align} \tag{1} \frac{\mathrm{d} \boldsymbol{M}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \gamma \boldsymbol{M} \times \boldsymbol{B} - \frac{M_x \hat{x} + M_y \hat{y}}{T_2} - \frac{M_z \hat{x} + M_0 \hat{y}}{T_1} \:, \end{align}\]

with $\gamma$ the gyromagnetic ratio, $\boldsymbol{M} = [M_x,\: M_y,\: M_z]^T$ the magnetization vector, and

\[\boldsymbol{B} = [B_{1,x}(t),\: B_{1,y}(t),\: \boldsymbol{G}(t) \cdot \boldsymbol{x} + \Delta \omega(t)]^T\]

the effective magnetic field. $M_0$ is the proton density, $T_1$ and $T_2$ are the relaxation times, and $\Delta \omega$ is the off-resonance, for each position.

The Bloch Simulation Method also uses the technique of operator splitting to simplify the solution of Equation (1). This reflects mathematically the intuition of separating the Bloch equations in a rotation operator described by

\[\begin{align} \tag{2} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \boldsymbol{M} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \gamma B_z & -\gamma B_y \\ -\gamma B_z & 0 & \gamma B_x \\ \gamma B_y & -\gamma B_x & 0 \end{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{M} \:, \end{align}\]

and a relaxation operator described by

\[\begin{align} \tag{3} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \boldsymbol{M} = \begin{bmatrix} -\tfrac{1}{T_2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -\tfrac{1}{T_2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -\tfrac{1}{T_1} \end{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{M} + \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \tfrac{M_0}{T_1} \end{bmatrix} \:. \end{align}\]

The evolution of the magnetization can then be described as a two-step process for each time step $\Delta t$ (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Solution of the Bloch equations for one time step can be described by (2) a rotation and (3) a relaxation step.

Bloch() Method Example

We will consider an RF pulse that excites a phantom with 3 spins, and then we acquire the data:

View code
# Import modules
using KomaMRI

# Define sequence
ampRF = 2e-6                        # 2 uT RF amplitude
durRF = π / 2 / (2π * γ * ampRF)    # required duration for a 90 deg RF pulse
exc = RF(ampRF, durRF)

nADC = 8192         # number of acquisition samples
durADC = 4000e-3     # duration of the acquisition
delay =  1e-3       # small delay
acq = ADC(nADC, durADC, delay)

seq = Sequence()  # empty sequence
seq += exc        # adding RF-only block
seq += acq        # adding ADC-only block
julia> obj = Phantom(x=[-0.5e-3; 0.0; 0.5e-3], T1=[1000e-3; 2000e-3; 500e-3], T2=[500e-3; 1000e-3; 2000e-3]);
julia> plot_seq(seq; slider=false)

The resulting signal from the Bloch() method is the sum of magnetizations in the transverse plane (x, y):

# Configure Bloch() simulation method and run simulation
sim_params = KomaMRICore.default_sim_params()
sim_params["return_type"] = "mat"
sim_params["sim_method"] = Bloch()
sig = simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
julia> plot(abs.(sig[:,1,1]))

BlochDict Simulation Method

This is another simulation method defined in the source code of KomaMRI. You can specify it by setting the sim_method = BlochDict() entry in the sim_params dictionary. Additionally, it offers the option to save the resulting signal in the z-component by using sim_method = BlochDict(save_Mz=true). This method allows you to store the magnetizations of all spins in both the transverse plane (x, y) and the longitudinal axis (z) if specified.

BlochDict() Method Example

We are going to consider the same setup as in the Bloch() Method Example. This includes the same excitation, acquisition, and the same 3-spin phantom:

View code
# Import modules
using KomaMRI, PlotlyJS

# Define sequence
ampRF = 2e-6                        # 2 uT RF amplitude
durRF = π / 2 / (2π * γ * ampRF)    # required duration for a 90 deg RF pulse
exc = RF(ampRF, durRF)

nADC = 8192         # number of acquisition samples
durADC = 4000e-3     # duration of the acquisition
delay =  1e-3       # small delay
acq = ADC(nADC, durADC, delay)

seq = Sequence()  # empty sequence
seq += exc        # adding RF-only block
seq += acq        # adding ADC-only block
julia> obj = Phantom(x=[-0.5e-3; 0.0; 0.5e-3], T1=[1000e-3; 2000e-3; 500e-3], T2=[500e-3; 1000e-3; 2000e-3]);
julia> plot_seq(seq; slider=false)

The resulting signal from the BlochDict() method comprises the individual magnetizations of all spins in both the transverse plane (x, y) and the longitudinal axis (z):

# Configure BlochDict() simulation method and run simulation
sim_params = KomaMRICore.default_sim_params()
sim_params["return_type"] = "mat"
sim_params["sim_method"] = BlochDict(save_Mz=true)
sig = simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)

# Define the plots for traverse and longitudinal magnetizations
pxy = plot(abs.(sig[:,:,1]));
pz = plot(abs.(sig[:,:,2]));
julia> [pxy pz]