
This section delves into some details about how a sequence is constructed. The sequence definition in KomaMRI is strongly related to the Pulseq definition. After reading this section, you should be able to create your own Sequence structs for conducting custom simulations using the KomaMRI package.

Sequence Overview

Let's introduce the following simple sequence figure to expand from a visual example to a more general sequence definition:

A sequence can be thought of as an ordered concatenation of blocks over time. Each block is essentially a sequence with a length of 1. Every block consists of an RF pulse, the $(x,y,z)$ gradients, and the acquisition of samples. Each block also has an associated time duration. To simplify, we will refer to these components as follows:

\[\begin{matrix*}[l] \text{seq[i]} &: & \text{block i of the sequence} \\ \text{seq.RF[i]} &: & \text{RF pulse at the i block} \\ \text{seq.GR.x[i]} &: & \text{gradient x at the i block} \\ \text{seq.GR.y[i]} &: & \text{gradient y at the i block} \\ \text{seq.GR.z[i]} &: & \text{gradient z at the i block} \\ \text{seq.ADC[i]} &: & \text{acquisition at the i block} \\ \text{seq.DUR[i]} &: & \text{duration at the i block} \end{matrix*}\]

The best way to understand the Sequence struct in KomaMRI is by examining the source code where this struct is defined:

mutable struct Sequence

As you can see, a Sequence struct contains 5 field names: ''DEF'' contains information for reconstruction steps (so it is not mandatory to fill it), ''DUR'' is a vector that contains the time durations of each block, ''ADC'' is also a vector with the acquisition samples for every block (an vector of ADC structs), ''GR'' is a 2D matrix which 3 rows representing the x-y-z gradients and columns having the samples of each block (a matrix of Grad structs) and ''RF'' is also a 2D matrix where each row represents a different coil and the columns are for different block samples too (a matrix of RF structs). The RF, Grad and ADC are MRI events that will be explained in the section Events Definitions.


So far, KomaMRI can only manage one coil for RF excitations. However, in future versions, parallel transmit pTX will be managed by adding more ``rows'' to the RF matrix of the Sequence field name.

In order to understand how a Sequence struct can be manipulated in Julia, let's use the EPI sequence example. You can display basic information of the Sequence variable in the Julia REPL:

julia> seq = PulseDesigner.EPI_example()
Sequence[ τ = 62.846 ms | blocks: 204 | ADC: 101 | GR: 205 | RF: 1 | DEF: 5 ]

As you can see, this Sequence has 204 blocks, 1 of these blocks has an RF struct with values different from zero, there are 205 number of Grad structs considering the x-y-z components, 101 ADC structs acquire samples of some blocks and 62.846 ms is the total time duration of the complete Sequence.

To display the sequence in an graph, we can use the plot_seq function:

julia> plot_seq(seq; slider=false)

This way, you can see exactly where the RF, Grad and ADC structs are located in time.

You can access and filter information for the RF, Grad, ADC, and DUR field names of a Sequence using the dot notation. This allows you to display helpful information about the organization of the Sequence struct:

julia> seq.RF
1×204 Matrix{RF}:
 ⊓(0.5872 ms)  ⇿(0.0 ms)  ⇿(0.0 ms)  …  ⇿(0.0 ms)  ⇿(0.0 ms)   

julia> seq.GR
3×204 Matrix{Grad}:
 ⇿(0.5872 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  …  ⇿(0.2062 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)
 ⇿(0.5872 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  ⇿(0.4042 ms)     ⊓(0.2062 ms)  ⇿(0.4042 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)
 ⇿(0.5872 ms)  ⇿(0.0 ms)     ⇿(0.0 ms)        ⇿(0.0 ms)     ⇿(0.0 ms)     ⇿(0.0 ms)

julia> seq.ADC
204-element Vector{ADC}:
 ADC(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 ADC(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 ADC(101, 0.00019999999999999998, 0.00010211565434713023, 0.0, 0.0)
 ADC(101, 0.00019999999999999998, 0.00010211565434713023, 0.0, 0.0)
 ADC(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

julia> seq.DUR
204-element Vector{Float64}:

Additionally, you can access a subset of blocks in a Sequence by slicing or indexing. The result will also be a Sequence struct, allowing you to perform the same operations as you would with a full Sequence. For example, if you want to analyze the first 11 blocks, you can do the following:

julia> seq[1:11]
Sequence[ τ = 3.837 ms | blocks: 11 | ADC: 5 | GR: 11 | RF: 1 | DEF: 5 ]

julia> seq[1:11].GR
3×11 Matrix{Grad}:
 ⇿(0.5872 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)   …  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  ⇿(0.2062 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)
 ⇿(0.5872 ms)  ⊓(0.4042 ms)  ⇿(0.4042 ms)      ⇿(0.4042 ms)  ⊓(0.2062 ms)  ⇿(0.4042 ms)
 ⇿(0.5872 ms)  ⇿(0.0 ms)     ⇿(0.0 ms)        ⇿(0.0 ms)     ⇿(0.0 ms)     ⇿(0.0 ms)

julia> plot_seq(seq[1:11]; slider=false)

Concatenation of Sequences

Sequences can be concatenated side by side. The example below demonstrates how to concatenate sequences:

julia> s = PulseDesigner.EPI_example()[1:11]
Sequence[ τ = 3.837 ms | blocks: 11 | ADC: 5 | GR: 11 | RF: 1 | DEF: 5 ]

julia> seq = s + s + s
Sequence[ τ = 11.512 ms | blocks: 33 | ADC: 15 | GR: 33 | RF: 3 | DEF: 5 ]

julia> plot_seq(seq; slider=false)