User Interface

KomaMRI.KomaUI โ€” Function
out = KomaUI(; kwargs...)

Launch the Koma's UI.


  • darkmode: (::Bool, =true) define dark mode style for the UI
  • frame: (::Bool, =true) display the upper frame of the Blink window
  • phantom_mode: (::String, ="2D", opts=["2D", "3D"]) load the default phantom as a 2D or 3D brain example
  • sim: (::Dict{String,Any}, =Dict{String,Any}()) simulation parameters dictionary
  • rec: (::Dict{Symbol,Any}, =Dict{Symbol,Any}()) reconstruction parameters dictionary
  • return_window: (::Bool, =false) make the out be either 'nothing' or the Blink window, depending on whether the return_window keyword argument is set to true
  • show_window: (::Bool, =true) display the Blink window


  • out: (::Nothing or ::Blink.AtomShell.Window) returns either 'nothing' or the Blink window, depending on whether the return_window keyword argument is set to true.


julia> KomaUI()