MeSH/UMLS Map and Filtering

Using UMLS Concepts with MeSH


The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms returned from a PubMed search can be further analyzed by mapping them to Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concepts, as well as filtering the MeSH Terms by concepts.

For both mapping MeSH to UMLS Concepts and filtering MeSH by concept, the following backends are supported:

Set Up

using SQLite
using MySQL
using BioMedQuery.DBUtils
using BioMedQuery.Processes
using BioServices.UMLS
using BioMedQuery.PubMed
using DataFrames

Credentials are environment variables (e.g set in your .juliarc.jl)

umls_user = ENV["UMLS_USER"];
umls_pswd = ENV["UMLS_PSSWD"];
email = ""; # Only needed if you want to contact NCBI with inqueries
search_term = """(obesity[MeSH Major Topic]) AND ("2010"[Date - Publication] : "2012"[Date - Publication])""";
umls_concept = "Disease or Syndrome";
max_articles = 5;
results_dir = ".";
verbose = true;

results_dir = ".";


Map Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to UMLS

This example demonstrates the typical workflow to populate a MESH2UMLS database table relating all concepts associated with all MeSH terms in the input database.

Note: this example reuses the MySQL DB from the PubMed Search and Save example.

Create MySQL DB connection

host = "";
mysql_usr = "root";
mysql_pswd = "";
dbname = "pubmed_obesity_2010_2012";

db_mysql = MySQL.connect(host, mysql_usr, mysql_pswd, db = dbname);
MySQL Connection
Port: 3306
User: root
DB:   pubmed_obesity_2010_2012

Map MeSH to UMLS

@time map_mesh_to_umls_async!(db_mysql, umls_user, umls_pswd; append_results=false, timeout=3);
┌ Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.
│   caller = #map_mesh_to_umls_async!#7(::Int64, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Int64, ::Function, ::MySQL.Connection, ::String, ::String) at pubmed_mesh_to_umls_map.jl:44
└ @ BioMedQuery.Processes ~/build/bcbi/BioMedQuery.jl/src/Processes/pubmed_mesh_to_umls_map.jl:44
----------Matching MESH to UMLS-----------
["Adult", "Aged", "Aged, 80 and over", "Analysis of Variance", "Body Weight", "C-Reactive Protein", "Child", "Cross-Sectional Studies", "Fatigue", "Female", "Fibromyalgia", "Germany", "Health Status", "Humans", "Japan", "Male", "Middle Aged", "Nutrition Surveys", "Obesity", "Pain", "Pain Measurement", "Physical Fitness", "Prognosis", "Quality of Life", "Surveys and Questionnaires", "Reference Values", "Risk Factors", "ROC Curve", "Severity of Illness Index", "Sports", "Television", "Thyrotropin", "Biomarkers", "Weight Gain", "Exercise", "Body Mass Index", "Incidence", "Prevalence", "Logistic Models", "Odds Ratio", "Case-Control Studies", "Age Distribution", "Sex Distribution", "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive", "Metabolic Syndrome", "Overweight", "Waist Circumference", "Young Adult", "Obesity, Abdominal", "Republic of Korea", "Sedentary Behavior", "Pediatric Obesity"]
[ Info: UTS: Requesting new TGT
[ Info: Descriptor 1 out of 52: Adult
[ Info: Descriptor 31 out of 52: Television
[ Info: Descriptor 36 out of 52: Body Mass Index
[ Info: Descriptor 35 out of 52: Exercise
[ Info: Descriptor 32 out of 52: Thyrotropin
[ Info: Descriptor 30 out of 52: Sports
[ Info: Descriptor 29 out of 52: Severity of Illness Index
[ Info: Descriptor 34 out of 52: Weight Gain
[ Info: Descriptor 40 out of 52: Odds Ratio
[ Info: Descriptor 44 out of 52: Sleep Apnea, Obstructive
[ Info: Descriptor 39 out of 52: Logistic Models
[ Info: Descriptor 43 out of 52: Sex Distribution
[ Info: Descriptor 42 out of 52: Age Distribution
[ Info: Descriptor 37 out of 52: Incidence
[ Info: Descriptor 33 out of 52: Biomarkers
[ Info: Descriptor 41 out of 52: Case-Control Studies
[ Info: Descriptor 9 out of 52: Fatigue
[ Info: Descriptor 4 out of 52: Analysis of Variance
[ Info: Descriptor 3 out of 52: Aged, 80 and over
[ Info: Descriptor 6 out of 52: C-Reactive Protein
[ Info: Descriptor 7 out of 52: Child
[ Info: Descriptor 5 out of 52: Body Weight
[ Info: Descriptor 46 out of 52: Overweight
[ Info: Descriptor 2 out of 52: Aged
[ Info: Descriptor 15 out of 52: Japan
[ Info: Descriptor 10 out of 52: Female
[ Info: Descriptor 12 out of 52: Germany
[ Info: Descriptor 14 out of 52: Humans
[ Info: Descriptor 8 out of 52: Cross-Sectional Studies
[ Info: Descriptor 21 out of 52: Pain Measurement
[ Info: Descriptor 11 out of 52: Fibromyalgia
[ Info: Descriptor 13 out of 52: Health Status
[ Info: Descriptor 18 out of 52: Nutrition Surveys
[ Info: Descriptor 17 out of 52: Middle Aged
[ Info: Descriptor 20 out of 52: Pain
[ Info: Descriptor 19 out of 52: Obesity
[ Info: Descriptor 28 out of 52: ROC Curve
[ Info: Descriptor 23 out of 52: Prognosis
[ Info: Descriptor 25 out of 52: Surveys and Questionnaires
[ Info: Descriptor 16 out of 52: Male
[ Info: Descriptor 26 out of 52: Reference Values
[ Info: Descriptor 22 out of 52: Physical Fitness
[ Info: Descriptor 27 out of 52: Risk Factors
[ Info: Descriptor 38 out of 52: Prevalence
[ Info: Descriptor 24 out of 52: Quality of Life
[ Info: Descriptor 50 out of 52: Republic of Korea
[ Info: Descriptor 49 out of 52: Obesity, Abdominal
[ Info: Descriptor 51 out of 52: Sedentary Behavior
[ Info: Descriptor 47 out of 52: Waist Circumference
[ Info: Descriptor 45 out of 52: Metabolic Syndrome
[ Info: Descriptor 48 out of 52: Young Adult
[ Info: Descriptor 52 out of 52: Pediatric Obesity
[ Info: Descriptor 51 out of 52: Sedentary Behavior
 11.464593 seconds (8.18 M allocations: 407.230 MiB, 2.39% gc time)

Explore the output table

db_query(db_mysql, "SELECT * FROM mesh2umls")

56 rows × 2 columns

1AdultAge Group
2Age DistributionQuantitative Concept
3AgedOrganism Attribute
4Aged, 80 and overAge Group
5Analysis of VarianceQuantitative Concept
6BiomarkersClinical Attribute
7Body Mass IndexDiagnostic Procedure
8Body WeightOrganism Attribute
9C-Reactive ProteinAmino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
10C-Reactive ProteinImmunologic Factor
11Case-Control StudiesResearch Activity
12ChildAge Group
13Cross-Sectional StudiesResearch Activity
14ExerciseDaily or Recreational Activity
15FatigueSign or Symptom
16FemalePopulation Group
17FibromyalgiaDisease or Syndrome
18GermanyGeographic Area
19Health StatusQualitative Concept
21IncidenceQuantitative Concept
22JapanGeographic Area
23Logistic ModelsIntellectual Product
24Logistic ModelsQuantitative Concept
25MaleOrganism Attribute
26Metabolic SyndromeDisease or Syndrome
27Middle AgedAge Group
28Nutrition SurveysResearch Activity
29ObesityDisease or Syndrome
30Obesity, AbdominalFinding
31Odds RatioQuantitative Concept
34Pain MeasurementDiagnostic Procedure
35Pediatric ObesityDisease or Syndrome
36Physical FitnessIdea or Concept
37PrevalenceQuantitative Concept
38PrognosisHealth Care Activity
39Quality of LifeIdea or Concept
40Reference ValuesQuantitative Concept
41Republic of KoreaGeographic Area
42Risk FactorsFinding
43ROC CurveQuantitative Concept
44Sedentary BehaviorFinding
45Severity of Illness IndexQuantitative Concept
46Sex DistributionQuantitative Concept
47Sleep Apnea, ObstructiveDisease or Syndrome
48SportsDaily or Recreational Activity
49Surveys and QuestionnairesResearch Activity
50TelevisionManufactured Object
51ThyrotropinAmino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
53ThyrotropinPharmacologic Substance
54Waist CircumferenceClinical Attribute
55Weight GainFinding
56Young AdultAge Group

Filtering MeSH terms by UMLS concept

Getting the descriptor to index dictionary and the occurence matrix

@time labels2ind, occur = umls_semantic_occurrences(db_mysql, umls_concept);
(Dict("Obesity"=>1,"Pediatric Obesity"=>2,"Sleep Apnea, Obstructive"=>3,"Metabolic Syndrome"=>4,"Fibromyalgia"=>5), 
  [1, 1]  =  1.0
  [5, 1]  =  1.0
  [1, 2]  =  1.0
  [3, 2]  =  1.0
  [2, 3]  =  1.0
  [1, 4]  =  1.0
  [4, 5]  =  1.0)

Descriptor to Index Dictionary

Dict{String,Int64} with 5 entries:
  "Obesity"                  => 1
  "Pediatric Obesity"        => 2
  "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive" => 3
  "Metabolic Syndrome"       => 4
  "Fibromyalgia"             => 5

Output Data Matrix

5×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0
 1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0


This example demonstrates the typical workflow to populate a MESH2UMLS database table relating all concepts associated with all MeSH terms in the input database.

Note: this example reuses the SQLite DB from the PubMed Search and Save example.

Create SQLite DB connection

db_path = "$(results_dir)/pubmed_obesity_2010_2012.db";
db_sqlite = SQLite.DB(db_path);
Getting 5 articles, starting at index 0
------Save to database--------
Saving 5 articles to database
┌ Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.
│   caller = select_columns at sqlite_db_utils.jl:9 [inlined]
└ @ Core ~/build/bcbi/BioMedQuery.jl/src/DBUtils/sqlite_db_utils.jl:9
┌ Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.
│   caller = insert_row!(::SQLite.DB, ::String, ::Dict{Symbol,Any}, ::Bool) at sqlite_db_utils.jl:59
└ @ BioMedQuery.DBUtils ~/build/bcbi/BioMedQuery.jl/src/DBUtils/sqlite_db_utils.jl:59
Finished searching, total number of articles: 5

Map MeSH to UMLS

@time map_mesh_to_umls_async!(db_sqlite, umls_user, umls_pswd; append_results=false, timeout=3);
┌ Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.
│   caller = #map_mesh_to_umls_async!#7(::Int64, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Int64, ::Function, ::SQLite.DB, ::String, ::String) at pubmed_mesh_to_umls_map.jl:44
└ @ BioMedQuery.Processes ~/build/bcbi/BioMedQuery.jl/src/Processes/pubmed_mesh_to_umls_map.jl:44
----------Matching MESH to UMLS-----------
Union{Missing, String}["Reference Values", "Republic of Korea", "ROC Curve", "Fatigue", "Obesity", "Risk Factors", "Logistic Models", "Severity of Illness Index", "Male", "Case-Control Studies", "Analysis of Variance", "Sedentary Behavior", "Prevalence", "Quality of Life", "Odds Ratio", "Exercise", "Body Mass Index", "Aged", "Child", "Sex Distribution", "Adult", "Germany", "Sports", "Thyrotropin", "Pediatric Obesity", "Humans", "Japan", "Cross-Sectional Studies", "Weight Gain", "Middle Aged", "Surveys and Questionnaires", "Health Status", "Young Adult", "Incidence", "Prognosis", "Body Weight", "Pain Measurement", "Waist Circumference", "Metabolic Syndrome", "Pain", "Nutrition Surveys", "Fibromyalgia", "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive", "Television", "Age Distribution", "Overweight", "Physical Fitness", "Female", "Biomarkers", "Obesity, Abdominal", "C-Reactive Protein", "Aged, 80 and over"]
[ Info: UTS: Reading TGT from file
[ Info: Descriptor 5 out of 52: Obesity
[ Info: Descriptor 4 out of 52: Fatigue
[ Info: Descriptor 8 out of 52: Severity of Illness Index
[ Info: Descriptor 1 out of 52: Reference Values
[ Info: Descriptor 9 out of 52: Male
[ Info: Descriptor 6 out of 52: Risk Factors
[ Info: Descriptor 12 out of 52: Sedentary Behavior
[ Info: Descriptor 10 out of 52: Case-Control Studies
[ Info: Descriptor 16 out of 52: Exercise
[ Info: Descriptor 11 out of 52: Analysis of Variance
[ Info: Descriptor 13 out of 52: Prevalence
[ Info: Descriptor 14 out of 52: Quality of Life
[ Info: Descriptor 15 out of 52: Odds Ratio
[ Info: Descriptor 24 out of 52: Thyrotropin
[ Info: Descriptor 23 out of 52: Sports
[ Info: Descriptor 22 out of 52: Germany
[ Info: Descriptor 26 out of 52: Humans
[ Info: Descriptor 20 out of 52: Sex Distribution
[ Info: Descriptor 17 out of 52: Body Mass Index
[ Info: Descriptor 21 out of 52: Adult
[ Info: Descriptor 19 out of 52: Child
[ Info: Descriptor 25 out of 52: Pediatric Obesity
[ Info: Descriptor 18 out of 52: Aged
[ Info: Descriptor 27 out of 52: Japan
[ Info: Descriptor 28 out of 52: Cross-Sectional Studies
[ Info: Descriptor 30 out of 52: Middle Aged
[ Info: Descriptor 29 out of 52: Weight Gain
[ Info: Descriptor 33 out of 52: Young Adult
[ Info: Descriptor 34 out of 52: Incidence
[ Info: Descriptor 31 out of 52: Surveys and Questionnaires
[ Info: Descriptor 39 out of 52: Metabolic Syndrome
[ Info: Descriptor 43 out of 52: Sleep Apnea, Obstructive
[ Info: Descriptor 41 out of 52: Nutrition Surveys
[ Info: Descriptor 38 out of 52: Waist Circumference
[ Info: Descriptor 44 out of 52: Television
[ Info: Descriptor 46 out of 52: Overweight
[ Info: Descriptor 37 out of 52: Pain Measurement
[ Info: Descriptor 48 out of 52: Female
[ Info: Descriptor 47 out of 52: Physical Fitness
[ Info: Descriptor 45 out of 52: Age Distribution
[ Info: Descriptor 3 out of 52: ROC Curve
[ Info: Descriptor 42 out of 52: Fibromyalgia
[ Info: Descriptor 2 out of 52: Republic of Korea
[ Info: Descriptor 50 out of 52: Obesity, Abdominal
[ Info: Descriptor 7 out of 52: Logistic Models
[ Info: Descriptor 49 out of 52: Biomarkers
┌ Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.
│   caller = insert_row!(::SQLite.DB, ::String, ::Dict{Symbol,String}, ::Bool) at sqlite_db_utils.jl:59
└ @ BioMedQuery.DBUtils ~/build/bcbi/BioMedQuery.jl/src/DBUtils/sqlite_db_utils.jl:59
[ Info: Descriptor 51 out of 52: C-Reactive Protein
[ Info: Descriptor 40 out of 52: Pain
[ Info: Descriptor 36 out of 52: Body Weight
[ Info: Descriptor 35 out of 52: Prognosis
[ Info: Descriptor 32 out of 52: Health Status
[ Info: Descriptor 52 out of 52: Aged, 80 and over
[ Info: Descriptor 51 out of 52: C-Reactive Protein
  2.894164 seconds (2.26 M allocations: 110.942 MiB, 2.26% gc time)

Explore the output table

db_query(db_sqlite, "SELECT * FROM mesh2umls;")

56 rows × 2 columns

1Reference ValuesQuantitative Concept
2Severity of Illness IndexQuantitative Concept
3ObesityDisease or Syndrome
4FatigueSign or Symptom
5Sedentary BehaviorFinding
6MaleOrganism Attribute
7PrevalenceQuantitative Concept
8Case-Control StudiesResearch Activity
9Risk FactorsFinding
10Analysis of VarianceQuantitative Concept
11Odds RatioQuantitative Concept
12ThyrotropinAmino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
14ThyrotropinPharmacologic Substance
15ExerciseDaily or Recreational Activity
16Quality of LifeIdea or Concept
17Body Mass IndexDiagnostic Procedure
18Sex DistributionQuantitative Concept
20Pediatric ObesityDisease or Syndrome
21GermanyGeographic Area
22ChildAge Group
23SportsDaily or Recreational Activity
24AdultAge Group
25Cross-Sectional StudiesResearch Activity
26Middle AgedAge Group
27JapanGeographic Area
28AgedOrganism Attribute
29Surveys and QuestionnairesResearch Activity
30IncidenceQuantitative Concept
31Nutrition SurveysResearch Activity
32Weight GainFinding
33Sleep Apnea, ObstructiveDisease or Syndrome
34Physical FitnessIdea or Concept
35Pain MeasurementDiagnostic Procedure
36Young AdultAge Group
37Age DistributionQuantitative Concept
38FibromyalgiaDisease or Syndrome
39Metabolic SyndromeDisease or Syndrome
40TelevisionManufactured Object
41PrognosisHealth Care Activity
42Body WeightOrganism Attribute
43Logistic ModelsIntellectual Product
44Logistic ModelsQuantitative Concept
45FemalePopulation Group
46Waist CircumferenceClinical Attribute
47Obesity, AbdominalFinding
48C-Reactive ProteinImmunologic Factor
49C-Reactive ProteinAmino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
50Republic of KoreaGeographic Area
52Health StatusQualitative Concept
54BiomarkersClinical Attribute
55ROC CurveQuantitative Concept
56Aged, 80 and overAge Group

Filtering MeSH terms by UMLS concept

Getting the descriptor to index dictionary and occurence matrix

@time labels2ind, occur = umls_semantic_occurrences(db_sqlite, umls_concept);
(Dict("Obesity"=>1,"Pediatric Obesity"=>2,"Sleep Apnea, Obstructive"=>3,"Metabolic Syndrome"=>4,"Fibromyalgia"=>5), 
  [1, 1]  =  1.0
  [5, 1]  =  1.0
  [1, 2]  =  1.0
  [3, 2]  =  1.0
  [2, 3]  =  1.0
  [1, 4]  =  1.0
  [4, 5]  =  1.0)

Descriptor to Index Dictionary

Dict{String,Int64} with 5 entries:
  "Obesity"                  => 1
  "Pediatric Obesity"        => 2
  "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive" => 3
  "Metabolic Syndrome"       => 4
  "Fibromyalgia"             => 5

Output Data Matrix

5×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0
 1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0


This example demonstrates the typical workflow to create a MeSH to UMLS map as a DataFrame relating all concepts associated with all MeSH terms in the input dataframe.

Get the articles (same as example in PubMed Search and Parse)

dfs = Processes.pubmed_search_and_parse(email, search_term, max_articles, verbose)
Dict{String,DataFrames.DataFrame} with 8 entries:
  "basic"               => 5×13 DataFrames.DataFrame. Omitted printing of 9 col…
  "mesh_desc"           => 52×2 DataFrames.DataFrame…
  "mesh_qual"           => 9×2 DataFrames.DataFrame…
  "pub_type"            => 10×3 DataFrames.DataFrame…
  "abstract_full"       => 5×2 DataFrames.DataFrame. Omitted printing of 1 colu…
  "author_ref"          => 35×8 DataFrames.DataFrame. Omitted printing of 3 col…
  "mesh_heading"        => 78×5 DataFrames.DataFrame…
  "abstract_structured" => 4×4 DataFrames.DataFrame. Omitted printing of 1 colu…

Map MeSH to UMLS and explore the output table

@time res = map_mesh_to_umls_async(dfs["mesh_desc"], umls_user, umls_pswd)

56 rows × 2 columns

1AdultAge Group
2Age DistributionQuantitative Concept
3AgedOrganism Attribute
4Aged, 80 and overAge Group
5Analysis of VarianceQuantitative Concept
6BiomarkersClinical Attribute
7Body Mass IndexDiagnostic Procedure
8Body WeightOrganism Attribute
9C-Reactive ProteinAmino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
10C-Reactive ProteinImmunologic Factor
11Case-Control StudiesResearch Activity
12ChildAge Group
13Cross-Sectional StudiesResearch Activity
14ExerciseDaily or Recreational Activity
15FatigueSign or Symptom
16FemalePopulation Group
17FibromyalgiaDisease or Syndrome
18GermanyGeographic Area
19Health StatusQualitative Concept
21IncidenceQuantitative Concept
22JapanGeographic Area
23Logistic ModelsIntellectual Product
24Logistic ModelsQuantitative Concept
25MaleOrganism Attribute
26Metabolic SyndromeDisease or Syndrome
27Middle AgedAge Group
28Nutrition SurveysResearch Activity
29ObesityDisease or Syndrome
30Obesity, AbdominalFinding
31Odds RatioQuantitative Concept
34Pain MeasurementDiagnostic Procedure
35Pediatric ObesityDisease or Syndrome
36Physical FitnessIdea or Concept
37PrevalenceQuantitative Concept
38PrognosisHealth Care Activity
39Quality of LifeIdea or Concept
40ROC CurveQuantitative Concept
41Reference ValuesQuantitative Concept
42Republic of KoreaGeographic Area
43Risk FactorsFinding
44Sedentary BehaviorFinding
45Severity of Illness IndexQuantitative Concept
46Sex DistributionQuantitative Concept
47Sleep Apnea, ObstructiveDisease or Syndrome
48SportsDaily or Recreational Activity
49Surveys and QuestionnairesResearch Activity
50TelevisionManufactured Object
51ThyrotropinAmino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
53ThyrotropinPharmacologic Substance
54Waist CircumferenceClinical Attribute
55Weight GainFinding
56Young AdultAge Group

Getting the descriptor to index dictionary and occurence matrix

@time labels2ind, occur = umls_semantic_occurrences(dfs, res, umls_concept);
(Dict("Obesity"=>1,"Pediatric Obesity"=>2,"Sleep Apnea, Obstructive"=>3,"Metabolic Syndrome"=>4,"Fibromyalgia"=>5), 
  [4, 1]  =  1.0
  [1, 2]  =  1.0
  [2, 3]  =  1.0
  [1, 4]  =  1.0
  [3, 4]  =  1.0
  [1, 5]  =  1.0
  [5, 5]  =  1.0)

Descriptor to Index Dictionary

Dict{String,Int64} with 5 entries:
  "Obesity"                  => 1
  "Pediatric Obesity"        => 2
  "Sleep Apnea, Obstructive" => 3
  "Metabolic Syndrome"       => 4
  "Fibromyalgia"             => 5

Output Data Matrix

5×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  1.0
 0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0
 1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0

This page was generated using Literate.jl.